Synchaeta oblonga; swimming specimen, (3) |
Synchaeta oblonga; two images of the same specimen. The arrowheads point to the lateral antennae which -in contrast to Synchaeta tremula- are on posterior third of the trunk. (3) |
Synchaeta oblonga; swimming specimen, dorsoventral view; 3 images with 3 different focal planes: 1.optical longitudinal section. The body and foot are conical shaped. 4 Styles (S) are recognizable. The foot is not distinct; 2 separated conical toes. LT: lateral antennae. (1) |
Synchaeta oblonga; same specimen, dorsal view; focal plane on the separated (double) cervical eyespots. No frontal eyespots. (1) |
Synchaeta oblonga; same specimen, ventral view; focal plane on the setae of the apical field |
Synchaeta oblonga; close-up aspects of the more or less divided cervical eyespots of two different specimen of the same sample. S. oblonga does not have frontal eyespots. (1) |
Synchaeta oblonga; trophi; Manubria(Ma) and Unci (Un). (1) |
Synchaeta oblonga; trophi; single Manubrium (1) |
Synchaeta oblonga; specimen from (2), trophi; |
Location: Sprockhövel Schee, Teich (1) Wuppertal, Ausgleichsbiotop, pond (2); NSG Unteres Odertal; Teerofenbrücke (3) |
Habitat: Plankton/ Periphyton (1,2,3) |
Date:23.10.2011 (1); 14.01.2012 (2); 13.05.2018 (3) |